Hi all. So, first blog back after the holiday’s... I’m
feeling the need for a somewhat subdued article rather than the usual manic-ness
(you can tell I study at University can’t you? :P) I'm gonna go and blame it on
those January Blues, first couple of weeks back, that sort of thing.
Everyone have a good holiday? If you’ve been reading my
other (all 2 of them!) blogs you’ll have seen that I was having a fair amount
of difficulty with presents, the purchasing thereof in any case. Well, you may
be pleased to know that I was actually able to pretty much hit the nail on the
head with that one in the end, although if I’d managed it without quite so much
of a hit to the wallet I’d have been a bit happier, but we can’t have
everything. There was however a sliiiiiiiiiiiight issue with their location
when it came to the actual day :P. The thing is, we were supposed to be moving
the Thursday before Christmas – unfortunately it fell through, which is a whole
different story entirely. This meant that all our stuff had been packed, and my
Mum kind of...forgot which box my presents for everyone were in. As you can
probably imagine, this lead to a few hilariously frantic hours spent rummaging
through them all trying to find them – especially my girlfriend’s as (as I
mentioned last time) she helped me with all the rest! Luckily I found them so
crisis averted!
In other news...back to lectures last week, somewhat of a
shock to the system after 3 weeks of lazing around. It’s amazing how everything
just goes right back into full swing, like there wasn’t a break at all. It
would be fine if it weren’t for the sudden cold snap! BRRRRRRR! Not liking that
at all, my flat gets so cold!!
...It always feel’s surreal writing one of these...I swear I
just sound egotistical talking to so many people about my life, it’s kinda like
“I’m 21, how much can there be to write about?” Actually, that’s a topic for
discussion I’d quite like to open. How many of you guy’s write blogs? What is
it do you think that has attracted so many people – young and old – to the
bloggersphere? Do you think it’s down to the optional anonymity of writing
online? Since the birth of the Internet in 1982, the amount of “bloggers” has
multiplied exponentially – has the ability to write about ourselves in an (more
often than not) incredibly personal way led us express ourselves more
intimately with others, without the real-world backlash of social
Anyway, just rambling now...until next time!